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Neighbors Helping Neighbors

  • Neighborhood representatives help maximize participation
  • Annual event highlights Tomche Shabbos Services
  • Recruitment and involvement through education and awareness

Neighbors Helping Neighbors is an outreach program that educates community members about the wide range of Tomche Shabbos programs available. This program is especially important in neighborhoods with younger families, as well as those new to Rockland County, where many residents know little about Tomche Shabbos programs. By spreading awareness, families can receive the help they need and those interested in community activism can become the new faces of support and leadership.

Getting the Next Generation Involved

On June 26, 2018, after 70 years of service to the community, the 10 remaining members of the Elmer Rotary Club of Elmer, New Jersey, held a meeting to consider disbanding themselves.

On June 24, 2018, a barbecue was held at the home of Moshe Wechsler in Monsey, New York, whose stated purpose was to get the next generation involved in Tomche Shabbos. More than 200 people showed up and voiced their support. Of those 200, 63 people filled out cards asking how they could become involved in a meaningful way. Each expressed a willingness to give of themselves, their time, and resources to help their neighbors, joining the many hundreds of heroes who have made Tomche Shabbos all it is today.

A number of people at the meeting in Elmer commented that this is part of a larger trend in society as fewer and fewer people are willing to volunteer, a crisis affecting many other organizations. The members felt that there were just too few members and too little support to justify remaining as a club. And then the vote was held. Six voted to disband, two voted to continue, and two abstained. And then, after 70 years of dedication to the community including contributing to the construction of the field where little leagues games are held, the Elmer Library, the Elmer Fire Department, and Elmer Hospital, it was over.

Given the overwhelming response to the barbecue held in Moshe Wechsler’s house, the first one to volunteer became active in planning our Chodesh Food Outlet sale to Rabbeim & Kollel families held five times a year, Levi Moeller has taken charge of responding to the many people who ask to invite a Tomche Shabbos family for Shabbos, Shua Heber, Avraham Rosskamm, Shuie Schenker & Avi Goldstein have become involved in analyzing many of the existing programs, reviewing them for what they can do to improve upon an already impressive organization, and Chaim Pantierer has agreed to coordinate the numerous offers to become involved, with the many volunteering opportunities. Many others are finding their place in the organization. And we’re just starting!

Neighbors Helping Neignbors

Our efforts in action

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