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Pesach Fund

  • 1300 Families Receive:
  • Matzah, Wine, Grape Juice
  • Chicken, Meat, Fish
  • Potatoes, Eggs, Produce

Your donation pays for food distributed to families for Peasach. Enjoy the Passover Seder with your family knowing that another family is also enjoying due to your generosity.

Dear Friend of Tomche Shabbos,

At Tomche Shabbos, we are currently working feverishly as we prepare for Pesach. No, we aren’t spring cleaning or chometz hunting, but we are preparing for our massive pre-Pesach delivery, when a line of tractor trailers will descend upon our warehouse, unloading thousands of boxes for our annual Pesach distribution.

Not only will you be passing on our mesorah of emunah to the children at that Seder table, but you will also be inspiring them with a tradition of chesed, activism, and the value of caring for others in need.

That full-day event will involve incredible manpower and carefully coordinated plans to ensure a smooth and efficient operation. Later in the day, our dedicated volunteers will arrive with trucks they borrowed from friends or rented at their own expense to distribute dozens of boxes to more than 1,300 struggling families.

Over the course of the day, we will unload and deliver close to 1,000 cases each of grape juice, chicken, eggs, apples, and oranges; over 50,000 pounds of potatoes; and truckloads of other foods.

To give you an idea of the cost of this delivery, here are some specific items and their (discounted!) total costs:

Matzoh: $235,000

Wine: $42,750

Grape Juice: $33,319

Chicken: $160,500

Meat: $125,000

Produce: $80,000

Romaine lettuce: $8,500

Horseradish: $10,230

Eggs: $55,000

Gefilte fish: $31,580

Apple Juice: $19,500

Seltzer: $6,790

Oil: $8,620

Thank you for your continued support and may you and your family enjoy a beautiful yom tov together.

Chag kasher v’sameach,

Alan Rosenstock


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