As members of the community, we all benefit from the presence of rabbeim and kollel families among us. After all, it is the devoted rabbeim who teach our children, and the many kollelim that serve as pillars upon which the world exists. However, these rabbeim and kollel families barely manage financially on a daily basis and have no one to turn to in times of crisis.
Therefore, at the behest of our gedolim, we have established The Monsey Torah Fund to provide financial relief to these families when emergencies arise. These funds are used to address unexpected emergencies such as medical bills, utility shut offs and similar situations. By contributing to this fund, you will be participating in the significant zechus.
The Monsey Torah Fund is managed by Tomche Shabbos of Rockland County in conjunction with Rabbi Moshe Rubinstein, Rabbi Ephraim Wachsman, Rabbi Asher Dovid May, and Rabbi Yitzchok Lichtenstein. Since there are no administrative or overhead costs, one hundred percent of your contribution will be used to help these families.
We thank you for your participation.