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The Best Way to Say Thank You!

We received this e-mail on November 27, 2011.

Dear Tomche Shabbos,
Generally when I email someone I know who I am sending my message to.  I have no idea to whom this email address belongs, I have no idea who packed the boxes you’ve sent me countless times, and I have no clue who has delivered these boxes to my door.  My email is to all of these people and anyone else involved with this effort.
Please cancel my deliveries.  
The difficulties we have had financially over the past few years have taken a tremendous toll on our patience, outlook, and the simple tranquility every person seeks.  Nevertheless, we never lost our resolve to reorganize and do what we can despite these incredibly intense challenges.  As the Creator blessed us in other aspects of life, we were always careful to try to keep this hardship in perspective.
It appears that with some very difficult decisions, a lot of effort and even more bitachon, we are able to ask that the deliveries end at this time.  I can’t describe to you what these deliveries have meant in the past, sometimes arriving when there was simply no money to go out and shop for what every family needs.  Knowing Tomche Shabbos was there helped ease an otherwise very painful set of circumstances.
May the Ribbono Shel Olam pay back each person, and each effort made by each person involved with Tomche Shabbos, a thousand fold, with long life, health, pride and joy from their children, livelihood, and most importantly, tranquility. There are no words to adequately express our appreciation, and the ultimate irony of Tomche Shabbos is that perhaps the best way to say thank you is to say goodbye.
I will not forget what this organization means to me, and I ask that in place of deliveries, you daven for me and my family, and in particular that I can become a supporter of the organization to complete the cycle of our relationship.
Box 54